Covid-19 Details

A new challenge is being addressed worldwide, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the new conditions, significant changes are expected in all areas of business, including audit and accounting. To facilitate all stakeholders, the HAASOB has created on its official website, a Useful Links section regarding audit and accounting issues arising as a consequence of the[…]

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Guidance on Covid-19 (Coronavirus)

The Hellenic Accounting and Auditing Standards Oversight Board (HAASOB), given the current situation, issues this Guideline relatively to the difficulties that may be confronted by the statutory auditors and audit firms, as a result of the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic.
As the degree of uncertainty regarding the spread of the new Covid-19 coronavirus remains important, its economic impact, which will depend on the duration, intensity and extent of the disease, is a central topic of discussion both worldwide and at the national level of individual countries.

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